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Vehicle Data Input Tool
Asset Data Input Tool
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Analysis Tools
Asset Level Index Analysis Tool
Fund Index Analysis Tool
European ODCE Index Analysis Tool
German Vehicles Analysis Tool
IRR Analysis Tool
Investor Data Sharing Tool
Introducing a new IRR analysis tool
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Country-by-Country Guide
Due Diligence Questionnaire (DDQ)
Standard Data Delivery Sheet (SDDS)
Global Definitions Database (GDD)
Standards, Tax & Regulations Briefings
INREV Guidelines
All Guidelines
Property Valuation
Performance Measurement
Fee and Expense Metrics
Data Delivery
Code of Tax Conduct
Standardised templates
DDQ - Due Diligence Questionnaire
SDDS - Standard Data Delivery Sheet
ESG SDDS - Standard Data Delivery Sheet
NDA - Non Disclosure Agreement
SPA - Sale and Purchase Agreement
Rent Collection Disclosure
Debt and Derivatives Disclosure Notes
INREV NAV – GAAP Comparison Templates
Self Assessments
GDD - Global Definitions Database
Global Initiatives
Guidelines FAQ's
Solvency II in EU and UK
ESG Regulations in EU and UK
UK Funds Review
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NCREIF PREA Reporting Standards
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Impact Investing
Debt Related Terms and Vehicles
ESG / Sustainability
Fees and Expenses
Reporting and Performance
Asset Management
Vehicle Terms and Structuring
Key Term
Institutions / Standards
Latest added
Most viewed
Absolute energy
Accounting Standards Update (ASU)
ADC Arrangements
Additional Contingent Interest
Affordable Housing
All-in Interest Rate
Allocated Loan Amount
Alternative Investment Fund (AIF)
Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM)
Amortization Period
Asset Liability Matching (ALM)
Asset Management Company
Asset management fee
Asset Manager
Asset Originator
Asset weighted
Asset weighting methodology
Asset-backed securities (ABS)
Asset-weighted composites
Assets under Management (AUM)
Assignment / Transfer clauses
Attachment Point LTV
Audit costs
Authorised Management Company
Bank / loan / overdraft / debt interest
Bank Charges
Base Interest
Base Rent Income
Borrower sustainability credentials
Borrower sustainability scorecard
Break Costs
Bridge Loan
Building energy intensity
Building GHG intensity
Building types
Building water intensity
Bullet Repayment
Capital call
Capital call notice
Capital commitment
Capital contribution
Capital distribution
Capital expenditure (Capex) Facility
Capital expenditures (CAPEX)
Capital Structure
Caps (Interest)
Carbon Disclosure Project
Carbon trading
Carried interest
Carve-outs (lending)
Cash management fee third party
Cash Sweep
CFA Institute
Claw back
Climate Risk
Closed End Vehicle
Club Deal
Commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS)
Commingled Fund
Commitment fees
Commitment period
Common parts
Community Center (retail)
Community Development
Compensation Prepayment Proceeds
Conditions Precedent
Conditions Subsequent
Constitutional Documents
Construction Loan
Contingent Interest
Contingent liabilities
Contingent Rent
Contractual Interest
Contractual Principal
Controlling Equity Interest
Core (INREV Style)
Core (RS Style)
Corporate Governance
Cost Approach (valuation technique)
Cost of development portfolio
Costs of Sale
Credit Committee
Credit Default Swap (CDS)
Credit enhancements
Credit Rating
Cross Collateralization
Cumulative TWR returns
Cure Rights
Currency exposure
Current development exposure as percentage of Gross Asset Value (GAV)
Custodian costs
Dead deal costs
Debt arrangement costs
Debt arrangement fee
Debt Fund
Debt Interest
Debt Service Coverage Ratio - DSCR (INREV)
Debt Service Coverage Ratio - DSCR (RS)
Debt Vehicle
Debt Yield
Default Covenant
Deferred taxes
Deposit Account
Development Facility
Development fee
Development Margin
Discount margin
Disposals Account
Distribution fee
Distribution-dividend yield
Distributions to paid-in capital (DPI) multiple
District heating and cooling
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)
Dividend Payment
Duty of Care Agreement
Economic Development
Economic Share
Effective Share
Emerging Issues Task Force (EITF)
End of Investment Period
End of maximum extendable vehicle term
Environment, Social and Governance (ESG)
Equity multiple (Gross)
Equity multiple (Net)
Equity multiple- gross, projected
Equity multiple-net, projected
Estimated Rental Value (ERV)
Euro Interbank Offered Rate (EURIBOR)
Event of Default (EOD)
Excluded Recovery Proceeds
Exempt fees and costs
Exit LTV
External leasing commissions
Facility Agent
Fair Value
Fair Value (GIPS, Appraisal Institute)
Fair value (IFRS definition)
Fair Value Accounting Policy Manual
Fair Value Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (FV GAAP)
Fair Value Net Asset Value (FV NAV)
Fair value of investment portfolio
Fair value of vehicle according to INREV guidelines
Fair Value Option
Fashion / Specialty Center
Fee reductions/rebates
Fee waivers
Feeder Vehicle
Final closing
Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)
Financial control
Financial Covenants
Financial Inclusion
Financing Company
Financing fee
First Ranking Mortgage
Fixed and floating charges over assets
Fixed Rate Debt
Fixed Rate Recourse Debt
Flex Space (industrial)
Flexibility for alternative use
Floating Rate Debt
Floor area
Foreign exchange difference
Foundational Standards
Free Rent
Fugitive emissions
Fund /Account(s)
Fund management fee
Fund Manager
Funds of funds
Garden-type Apartments
General Partner (GP)
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)
Geometrically linked TWR
Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®)
Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB)
Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
Gross asset value of vehicle (Including pro rata share in joint ventures)
Gross Assets (for fund leverage measures)
Gross equity multiple of vehicle realized
Gross initial yield
Gross operating income
Gross property return
Gross property value
Gross return
Gross Sales Price
Hedged %
Hedging Arrangement/Agreement
hedging instruments
High Quality Liquid Assets (HQLA)
High-rise Elevator Apartments
Highest and Best Use
Historical Interest Cover Ratio (Historical ICR)
Hold Period
Holding Company
Hurdle Rate
Impact Investing
Impact investing metrics
Impact Measurement & Management
Inception date
Inception date (Fund)
Income Approach (valuation technique)
Income distribution
Income return
Indexed Rent
Industrial Revenue Bonds
Information Covenants
Initial Closing
Initial Leasing
INREV Guidelines
Insurance Prepayment Proceeds
Intercreditor Agreement
Interest Payment Date (IPD)
Interest Period
Interest Rate
Interest rate hedging ratio
Interest Rate Swaps
Interest reserve account
Internal leasing commissions
Internal Rate of Return - IRR (INREV)
Internal Rate of Return - IRR (RS)
Internal Rate of Return-gross
Internal Rate of Return-net
Internal Rate of Return-original and projected
Internal Rate of Return-realized (Gross) vehicle
Internal Rate of Return-since inception gross of fees
Internal Rate of Return-since inception net
Internal Rate of Return-starting from inception to end-projected-gross
Internal Rate of Return-starting from inception to end-projected-net
Internal Ratings-Based Approach (IRB)
Internal valuation
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
International Valuation Standards Council (IVSC)
Investment Advisor
Investment Company
Investment level
Investment Management Company
Investment Manager
Investment margin (Spread)
Investment multiple
Investment Period
Job creation
Joint Venture
Junior Debt
Key person clause
Lease Area
Legal fees (Not property specific)
Letter of credit (LOC)
Leverage Limits
Leverage Percentage
Life Insurance Separate Account
Limited Liability Company
Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
Limited Partner
Limited Partnership (LP)
Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR)
Loan Amortisation
Loan Amortization Period
Loan Covenants
Loan Lockout Period
Loan Term
Loan to Cost (LTC)
Loan to equity
Lock-up Period
London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR)
Low-rise Apartments
Make-Whole Margin
Make-Whole Provision
Mandatory disclosure requirements
Manufacturing facility (industrial)
Market Approach (valuation technique)
Market Vacancy
Market Value
Marketing costs
Master Vehicle
Material Adverse Effect
Maturity Date
Maximum LTV
Mezzanine Debt
Minimum Capital Requirement (MCR)
Modified Dietz
Mortgage Company
Multi manager
National Council of Real Estate Investment Fiduciaries (NCREIF)
Neighborhood Center (retail)
Net Asset Value - NAV (INREV)
Net Asset Value - NAV (RS)
Net Debt Yield
Net equivalent yield
Net financing cost
Net Initial Yield (NIY)
Net investment income-Operating Model
Net Operating Income (NOI)
Net return
Net Sale Price
Net Zero Carbon Building
NOI yield
Nominal value of debt excluding shareholder loans
Non-controlling effects on the INREV NAV adjustments
Non-Controlling Equity Interests (Minority Interest)
Non-Operating Model
Non-participating mortgage loan
Non-Performing Loan (NPL)
Non-Recourse Debt
Number of assets
Number of new / renewed loans
Offer price
Office Showroom
Open End Vehicle
Operating Model
Operational control
Operational Real Estate
Operational results
Opportunistic (INREV Style)
Opportunistic (RS Style)
Other net income
Other/misc. vehicle costs
Outlet Center
Outstanding Capital Commitment
Outstanding Portfolio Balance
Outstanding Principal Balance
Over the Counter (OTC)
Paid in capital
Paid in Capital Multiple
Paid in capital to committed capital multiple
Parallel Vehicle
Partial Period (for TWR purposes)
Participated Loan
Participating mortgage
Payment in Kind (PIK) interest/ Accrued Interest
Pension Real Estate Association (PREA)
Percentage of total capital commitments invested
Percentage Rent
Performance Attribution
Performance Bond
Performance fee
Permitted Payment
Physical Risk
Placement agent costs
Planned Liquidation Date
Pooled Trusts
Portfolio Interest Service Coverage Ratio
Power Center
Prepayment Fees
Prepayment Penalty
Private Placement
Private Placement Memorandum (PPM)
Professional services costs
Project management costs
Project management fee (excl. development activities)
Property acquisition costs
Property acquisition fee
Property Company
Property Conversion
Property disposition costs
Property disposition fee
Property insurance costs
Property Loan to Value (LTV)
Property Management Company
Property management costs
Property Management Fee
Property Manager
Property Protection Loan
Property-level loan to value
Property-related taxes
Public/Private Partnership (PPP)
Real Estate Expense Ratio (REER)
Realised (capital) gain/ loss
Realization Multiple
Recallable Capital
Recourse Debt
Recovery Payment Proceeds
Redemption Cap
Redemption fees
Redemption Queuing Mechanism
Regional Mall
Registered Investment Advisor (RIA)
Regulatory / Statutory costs
Reimbursement Income
Related parties
Remaining capital commitment
Renewable energy
Replacement Costs
Reporting standards - handbook volume I and II
Required standard
Research and Development (industrial)
Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities (RMBS)
Residual multiple
Residual value
Residual value to paid-in capital multiple (RVPI)
Restrictions on transfer
Reversionary income
Reversionary yield
ROI (Return on Investment)
Second Mortgage
Secondary Trade
Securities handling charges
Securitized Loan
Security Agent
Segregated Account
Self-Storage (facility)
Senior Living (facility)
Senior Loan
Separate Accounts
Set-up costs
Side Letter
Single Account
Single Client Account
Social Impact
Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV)
Spens Clause
Staff costs
Standalone Sustainable Lending Policy
Standing investment
Start of Investment Period
Statement of Position (SOP) (accounting)
Step in Rights
Stepped Rent
Strategy-Account Vehicle
Subordinated Creditor
Subordinated Creditor's Security Agreement
Subordinated Loan
Subordination Agreement
Subscription Agreement
Subscription fee
Subscription queuing mechanism
Subscription secured credit facilities
Super-Regional Mall
Surety Bond
Sustainability scorecard
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
Sustainable Investment
Syndicated Loan
Syndicated loan purchaser
Target percentage non-income producing investments
Target percentage of (re)development exposure
Target return derived from income
Tax effect of the adjustments
Taxes on property related activities
Termination Clause
Termination Date
Theme / Festival Center
TIF Notes
Time-Weighted Return (TWR)
Time-Weighted Return (TWR) (Fund Level)
Time-Weighted Return (TWR), investment level
Time-Weighted Return (TWR), property level
Total capital commitment drawn
Total capital commitments (By all investors)
Total capital drawn down
Total current outstanding capital
Total debt maturities
Total direct GHG emissions
Total Expense Ratio (TER)
Total indirect GHG emissions
Total return (net and unlevered)
Total return net to investor
Total return of capital
Total returned capital recalled
Total Value to paid in capital multiple (TVPI)
Transaction Document
Transaction Obligor
Transaction offsets
Transfer agent costs
Transition Risk
Trustee Costs
Underserved population
Unfunded Commitment
Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP)
Unrealised (capital) gain / loss
Utilities, repair and maintenance costs (non-rechargeable portion)
Vacancy (Based on estimated rental value)
Vacancy (Based on leasable floor space)
Valuation costs
Value-added (INREV Style)
Value-added (RS Style)
Vehicle administration costs
Vehicle Documentation
Vehicle formation costs
Vehicle Formation Date
Vehicle Loan to Value (LTV)
Vehicle Manager
Vehicle-level loan to cost
Vehicle-level loan to value
Vintage Year
Void rate
Warehouse (industrial)
Waste by disposal route
Waterfall Analysis
Waterfall calculation
Wealth taxes
Weighted average cost of debt
Weighted average cost of debt excluding shareholder loans
Weighted Average interest rate of Fund T1 leverage
Weighted average lease expiry
Weighted average maturity of debt excluding shareholder loans (Years)
Weighted Average Remaining term of Fixed Rate Fund T1 leverage
Weighted Average Remaining term of Floating Rate Fund T1 leverage
Wind-up fee
Wind-up fee
Weighted Average Remaining term of Floating Rate Fund T1 leverage
Weighted Average Remaining term of Fixed Rate Fund T1 leverage
Weighted average maturity of debt excluding shareholder loans (Years)
Weighted average lease expiry
Weighted Average interest rate of Fund T1 leverage
Weighted average cost of debt excluding shareholder loans
Weighted average cost of debt
Wealth taxes
Waterfall calculation
Waterfall Analysis
Waste by disposal route
Warehouse (industrial)
Void rate
Vintage Year
Vehicle-level loan to value
Vehicle-level loan to cost
Vehicle Manager
Vehicle Loan to Value (LTV)
Vehicle Formation Date
Vehicle formation costs
Vehicle Documentation
Vehicle administration costs
Value-added (RS Style)
Value-added (INREV Style)
Valuation costs
Vacancy (Based on leasable floor space)
Vacancy (Based on estimated rental value)
Utilities, repair and maintenance costs (non-rechargeable portion)
Unrealised (capital) gain / loss
Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP)
Unfunded Commitment
Underserved population
Trustee Costs
Transition Risk
Transfer agent costs
Transaction offsets
Transaction Obligor
Transaction Document
Total Value to paid in capital multiple (TVPI)
Total returned capital recalled
Total return of capital
Total return net to investor
Total return (net and unlevered)
Total indirect GHG emissions
Total Expense Ratio (TER)
Total direct GHG emissions
Total debt maturities
Total current outstanding capital
Total capital drawn down
Total capital commitments (By all investors)
Total capital commitment drawn
Time-Weighted Return (TWR), property level
Time-Weighted Return (TWR), investment level
Time-Weighted Return (TWR) (Fund Level)
Time-Weighted Return (TWR)
TIF Notes
Theme / Festival Center
Termination Date
Termination Clause
Taxes on property related activities
Tax effect of the adjustments
Target return derived from income
Target percentage of (re)development exposure
Target percentage non-income producing investments
Syndicated loan purchaser
Syndicated Loan
Sustainable Investment
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
Sustainability scorecard
Surety Bond
Super-Regional Mall
Subscription secured credit facilities
Subscription queuing mechanism
Subscription fee
Subscription Agreement
Subordination Agreement
Subordinated Loan
Subordinated Creditor's Security Agreement
Subordinated Creditor
Strategy-Account Vehicle
Stepped Rent
Step in Rights
Statement of Position (SOP) (accounting)
Start of Investment Period
Standing investment
Standalone Sustainable Lending Policy
Staff costs
Spens Clause
Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV)
Social Impact
Single Client Account
Single Account
Side Letter
Set-up costs
Separate Accounts
Senior Loan
Senior Living (facility)
Self-Storage (facility)
Segregated Account
Security Agent
Securitized Loan
Securities handling charges
Secondary Trade
Second Mortgage
ROI (Return on Investment)
Reversionary yield
Reversionary income
Restrictions on transfer
Residual value to paid-in capital multiple (RVPI)
Residual value
Residual multiple
Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities (RMBS)
Research and Development (industrial)
Required standard
Reporting standards - handbook volume I and II
Replacement Costs
Renewable energy
Remaining capital commitment
Related parties
Reimbursement Income
Regulatory / Statutory costs
Registered Investment Advisor (RIA)
Regional Mall
Redemption Queuing Mechanism
Redemption fees
Redemption Cap
Recovery Payment Proceeds
Recourse Debt
Recallable Capital
Realization Multiple
Realised (capital) gain/ loss
Real Estate Expense Ratio (REER)
Public/Private Partnership (PPP)
Property-related taxes
Property-level loan to value
Property Protection Loan
Property Manager
Property Management Fee
Property management costs
Property Management Company
Property Loan to Value (LTV)
Property insurance costs
Property disposition fee
Property disposition costs
Property Conversion
Property Company
Property acquisition fee
Property acquisition costs
Project management fee (excl. development activities)
Project management costs
Professional services costs
Private Placement Memorandum (PPM)
Private Placement
Prepayment Penalty
Prepayment Fees
Power Center
Portfolio Interest Service Coverage Ratio
Pooled Trusts
Planned Liquidation Date
Placement agent costs
Physical Risk
Permitted Payment
Performance fee
Performance Bond
Performance Attribution
Percentage Rent
Percentage of total capital commitments invested
Pension Real Estate Association (PREA)
Payment in Kind (PIK) interest/ Accrued Interest
Participating mortgage
Participated Loan
Partial Period (for TWR purposes)
Parallel Vehicle
Paid in capital to committed capital multiple
Paid in Capital Multiple
Paid in capital
Over the Counter (OTC)
Outstanding Principal Balance
Outstanding Portfolio Balance
Outstanding Capital Commitment
Outlet Center
Other/misc. vehicle costs
Other net income
Opportunistic (RS Style)
Opportunistic (INREV Style)
Operational results
Operational Real Estate
Operational control
Operating Model
Open End Vehicle
Office Showroom
Offer price
Number of new / renewed loans
Number of assets
Non-Recourse Debt
Non-Performing Loan (NPL)
Non-participating mortgage loan
Non-Operating Model
Non-Controlling Equity Interests (Minority Interest)
Non-controlling effects on the INREV NAV adjustments
Nominal value of debt excluding shareholder loans
NOI yield
Net Zero Carbon Building
Net Sale Price
Net return
Net Operating Income (NOI)
Net investment income-Operating Model
Net Initial Yield (NIY)
Net financing cost
Net equivalent yield
Net Debt Yield
Net Asset Value - NAV (RS)
Net Asset Value - NAV (INREV)
Neighborhood Center (retail)
National Council of Real Estate Investment Fiduciaries (NCREIF)
Multi manager
Mortgage Company
Modified Dietz
Minimum Capital Requirement (MCR)
Mezzanine Debt
Maximum LTV
Maturity Date
Material Adverse Effect
Master Vehicle
Marketing costs
Market Value
Market Vacancy
Market Approach (valuation technique)
Manufacturing facility (industrial)
Mandatory disclosure requirements
Make-Whole Provision
Make-Whole Margin
Low-rise Apartments
London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR)
Lock-up Period
Loan to equity
Loan to Cost (LTC)
Loan Term
Loan Lockout Period
Loan Covenants
Loan Amortization Period
Loan Amortisation
Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR)
Limited Partnership (LP)
Limited Partner
Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
Limited Liability Company
Life Insurance Separate Account
Leverage Percentage
Leverage Limits
Letter of credit (LOC)
Legal fees (Not property specific)
Lease Area
Key person clause
Junior Debt
Joint Venture
Job creation
Investment Period
Investment multiple
Investment margin (Spread)
Investment Manager
Investment Management Company
Investment level
Investment Company
Investment Advisor
International Valuation Standards Council (IVSC)
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
Internal valuation
Internal Ratings-Based Approach (IRB)
Internal Rate of Return-starting from inception to end-projected-net
Internal Rate of Return-starting from inception to end-projected-gross
Internal Rate of Return-since inception net
Internal Rate of Return-since inception gross of fees
Internal Rate of Return-realized (Gross) vehicle
Internal Rate of Return-original and projected
Internal Rate of Return-net
Internal Rate of Return-gross
Internal Rate of Return - IRR (RS)
Internal Rate of Return - IRR (INREV)
Internal leasing commissions
Interest reserve account
Interest Rate Swaps
Interest rate hedging ratio
Interest Rate
Interest Period
Interest Payment Date (IPD)
Intercreditor Agreement
Insurance Prepayment Proceeds
INREV Guidelines
Initial Leasing
Initial Closing
Information Covenants
Industrial Revenue Bonds
Indexed Rent
Income return
Income distribution
Income Approach (valuation technique)
Inception date (Fund)
Inception date
Impact Measurement & Management
Impact investing metrics
Impact Investing
Hurdle Rate
Holding Company
Hold Period
Historical Interest Cover Ratio (Historical ICR)
Highest and Best Use
High-rise Elevator Apartments
High Quality Liquid Assets (HQLA)
hedging instruments
Hedging Arrangement/Agreement
Hedged %
Gross Sales Price
Gross return
Gross property value
Gross property return
Gross operating income
Gross initial yield
Gross equity multiple of vehicle realized
Gross Assets (for fund leverage measures)
Gross asset value of vehicle (Including pro rata share in joint ventures)
Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB)
Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®)
Geometrically linked TWR
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)
General Partner (GP)
Garden-type Apartments
Funds of funds
Fund Manager
Fund management fee
Fund /Account(s)
Fugitive emissions
Free Rent
Foundational Standards
Foreign exchange difference
Floor area
Floating Rate Debt
Flexibility for alternative use
Flex Space (industrial)
Fixed Rate Recourse Debt
Fixed Rate Debt
Fixed and floating charges over assets
First Ranking Mortgage
Financing fee
Financing Company
Financial Inclusion
Financial Covenants
Financial control
Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)
Final closing
Feeder Vehicle
Fee waivers
Fee reductions/rebates
Fashion / Specialty Center
Fair Value Option
Fair value of vehicle according to INREV guidelines
Fair value of investment portfolio
Fair Value Net Asset Value (FV NAV)
Fair Value Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (FV GAAP)
Fair Value Accounting Policy Manual
Fair value (IFRS definition)
Fair Value (GIPS, Appraisal Institute)
Fair Value
Facility Agent
External leasing commissions
Exit LTV
Exempt fees and costs
Excluded Recovery Proceeds
Event of Default (EOD)
Euro Interbank Offered Rate (EURIBOR)
Estimated Rental Value (ERV)
Equity multiple-net, projected
Equity multiple- gross, projected
Equity multiple (Net)
Equity multiple (Gross)
Environment, Social and Governance (ESG)
End of maximum extendable vehicle term
End of Investment Period
Emerging Issues Task Force (EITF)
Effective Share
Economic Share
Economic Development
Duty of Care Agreement
Dividend Payment
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)
District heating and cooling
Distributions to paid-in capital (DPI) multiple
Distribution-dividend yield
Distribution fee
Disposals Account
Discount margin
Development Margin
Development fee
Development Facility
Deposit Account
Deferred taxes
Default Covenant
Debt Yield
Debt Vehicle
Debt Service Coverage Ratio - DSCR (RS)
Debt Service Coverage Ratio - DSCR (INREV)
Debt Interest
Debt Fund
Debt arrangement fee
Debt arrangement costs
Dead deal costs
Custodian costs
Current development exposure as percentage of Gross Asset Value (GAV)
Currency exposure
Cure Rights
Cumulative TWR returns
Cross Collateralization
Credit Rating
Credit enhancements
Credit Default Swap (CDS)
Credit Committee
Costs of Sale
Cost of development portfolio
Cost Approach (valuation technique)
Corporate Governance
Core (RS Style)
Core (INREV Style)
Controlling Equity Interest
Contractual Principal
Contractual Interest
Contingent Rent
Contingent liabilities
Contingent Interest
Construction Loan
Constitutional Documents
Conditions Subsequent
Conditions Precedent
Compensation Prepayment Proceeds
Community Development
Community Center (retail)
Common parts
Commitment period
Commitment fees
Commingled Fund
Commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS)
Club Deal
Closed End Vehicle
Climate Risk
Claw back
CFA Institute
Cash Sweep
Cash management fee third party
Carve-outs (lending)
Carried interest
Carbon trading
Carbon Disclosure Project
Caps (Interest)
Capital Structure
Capital expenditures (CAPEX)
Capital expenditure (Capex) Facility
Capital distribution
Capital contribution
Capital commitment
Capital call notice
Capital call
Bullet Repayment
Building water intensity
Building types
Building GHG intensity
Building energy intensity
Bridge Loan
Break Costs
Borrower sustainability scorecard
Borrower sustainability credentials
Base Rent Income
Base Interest
Bank Charges
Bank / loan / overdraft / debt interest
Authorised Management Company
Audit costs
Attachment Point LTV
Assignment / Transfer clauses
Assets under Management (AUM)
Asset-weighted composites
Asset-backed securities (ABS)
Asset weighting methodology
Asset weighted
Asset Originator
Asset Manager
Asset management fee
Asset Management Company
Asset Liability Matching (ALM)
Amortization Period
Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM)
Alternative Investment Fund (AIF)
Allocated Loan Amount
All-in Interest Rate
Affordable Housing
Additional Contingent Interest
ADC Arrangements
Accounting Standards Update (ASU)
Absolute energy
Q4 2024
Effective Share
Gross operating income
Current development exposure as percentage of Gross Asset Value (GAV)
Property Loan to Value (LTV)
Vehicle Loan to Value (LTV)
Gross property value
Unrealised (capital) gain / loss
Realised (capital) gain/ loss
Q4 2023
Vintage Year
Redemption Queuing Mechanism
Subscription queuing mechanism
Q3 2023
Recallable Capital
Unfunded Commitment
Outstanding Capital Commitment
Redemption Cap
Q2 2023
Private Placement Memorandum (PPM)
Lock-up Period
Income distribution
Capital distribution
Operational Real Estate
Common parts
Floor area
Mandatory disclosure requirements
Building types
Building energy intensity
Absolute energy
District heating and cooling
Renewable energy
Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
Carbon Disclosure Project
Financial control
Operational control
Building GHG intensity
Total indirect GHG emissions
Fugitive emissions
Building water intensity
Waste by disposal route
Carbon trading
Social Impact
Affordable Housing
Impact Investing
Impact investing metrics
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
Impact Measurement & Management
Community Development
Job creation
Economic Development
Financial Inclusion
Underserved population
Climate Risk
Physical Risk
Transition Risk
Q1 2023
Assets under Management (AUM)
Side Letter
Capital contribution
Capital commitment
Capital call notice
Capital call
Q4 2022
Hurdle Rate
Q2 2022
Capital Structure
London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR)
Hold Period
Key person clause
Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities (RMBS)
Q4 2021
Constitutional Documents
Corporate Governance
Sustainable Investment
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)
Environment, Social and Governance (ESG)
Net Zero Carbon Building
Q2 2021
Strategy-Account Vehicle
Commitment period
Funds of funds
Multi manager
Master Vehicle
Parallel Vehicle
Feeder Vehicle
Q1 2021
Holding Company
Indexed Rent
Contingent Rent
Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)
Fair Value Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (FV GAAP)
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)
Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB)
Stepped Rent
Standing investment
Q1 2020
Non-Performing Loan (NPL)
Transaction Obligor
Syndicated Loan
Step in Rights
Outstanding Principal Balance
Outstanding Portfolio Balance
Transaction Document
Subordinated Loan
Subordinated Creditor's Security Agreement
Subordinated Creditor
Subordination Agreement
Standalone Sustainable Lending Policy
Senior Loan
Spens Clause
Security Agent
Securitized Loan
Q4 2019
Asset Management Company
Q3 2019
Second Mortgage
Recovery Payment Proceeds
Public/Private Partnership (PPP)
Property Protection Loan
Private Placement
Prepayment Fees
Payment in Kind (PIK) interest/ Accrued Interest
Permitted Payment
Participated Loan
Conditions Precedent
Compensation Prepayment Proceeds
Make-Whole Provision
Make-Whole Margin
Sustainability scorecard
Junior Debt
Capital expenditure (Capex) Facility
Interest reserve account
Interest Rate
Interest Period
Interest Payment Date (IPD)
Information Covenants
Historical Interest Cover Ratio (Historical ICR)
Flexibility for alternative use
Fixed and floating charges over assets
First Ranking Mortgage
Facility Agent
Disposals Account
Discount margin
Development Facility
Deposit Account
Debt Yield
Net Debt Yield
Debt Fund
Debt Vehicle
Cure Rights
Conditions Subsequent
Commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS)
Cash Sweep
Bullet Repayment
Break Costs
Borrower sustainability credentials
Borrower sustainability scorecard
Attachment Point LTV
Assignment / Transfer clauses
Asset-backed securities (ABS)
Syndicated loan purchaser
Asset Originator
Asset Liability Matching (ALM)
Loan Amortisation
Allocated Loan Amount
All-in Interest Rate
Event of Default (EOD)
Over the Counter (OTC)
Minimum Capital Requirement (MCR)
Mezzanine Debt
Material Adverse Effect
Investment margin (Spread)
Internal Ratings-Based Approach (IRB)
Intercreditor Agreement
Insurance Prepayment Proceeds
High Quality Liquid Assets (HQLA)
Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR)
Hedging Arrangement/Agreement
Fixed Rate Recourse Debt
Financial Covenants
Exit LTV
Excluded Recovery Proceeds
Euro Interbank Offered Rate (EURIBOR)
Duty of Care Agreement
Development Margin
Default Covenant
Credit Rating
Credit Default Swap (CDS)
Credit Committee
Set-up costs
Q2 2019
Wealth taxes
Related parties
Trustee Costs
Segregated Account
Financing fee
Q2 2018
Transaction offsets
Distribution fee
Claw back
Q1 2018
Subscription fee
Staff costs
Securities handling charges
Redemption fees
Property-related taxes
Placement agent costs
Fee waivers
Fee reductions/rebates
Development fee
Deferred taxes
Debt arrangement fee
Debt arrangement costs
Commitment fees
Capital expenditures (CAPEX)
Q2 2017
Core (INREV Style)
Property Management Company
Limited Liability Company
Investment Company
Authorised Management Company
Registered Investment Advisor (RIA)
Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV)
Property Company
Alternative Investment Fund (AIF)
Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM)
Investment Management Company
Mortgage Company
Financing Company
General Partner (GP)
Limited Partner
Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
Limited Partnership (LP)
Loan Term
Loan Amortization Period
Loan Lockout Period
Base Rent Income
Reimbursement Income
Lease Area
High-rise Elevator Apartments
Low-rise Apartments
Garden-type Apartments
Flex Space (industrial)
Research and Development (industrial)
Warehouse (industrial)
Manufacturing facility (industrial)
Office Showroom
Neighborhood Center (retail)
Community Center (retail)
Regional Mall
Super-Regional Mall
Fashion / Specialty Center
Power Center
Theme / Festival Center
Outlet Center
Self-Storage (facility)
Senior Living (facility)
Gross Sales Price
Net Sale Price
Market Vacancy
Amortization Period
Q1 2017
Inception date
Q4 2016
Vehicle Documentation
Property Conversion
Q3 2016
Initial Closing
Dividend Payment
Vehicle Formation Date
Subscription Agreement
Termination Date
Wind-up fee
Vehicle administration costs
Vehicle formation costs
Vehicle Manager
Valuation costs
Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP)
Utilities, repair and maintenance costs (non-rechargeable portion)
Taxes on property related activities
Termination Clause
Transfer agent costs
Investment Advisor
Accounting Standards Update (ASU)
Single Account
Single Client Account
Start of Investment Period
Secondary Trade
Total direct GHG emissions
Reporting standards - handbook volume I and II
Regulatory / Statutory costs
Property management costs
Property Management Fee
Property Manager
Property disposition fee
Property insurance costs
Property acquisition fee
Property acquisition costs
Project management costs
Project management fee (excl. development activities)
Pooled Trusts
Professional services costs
Performance fee
Planned Liquidation Date
Other/misc. vehicle costs
Pension Real Estate Association (PREA)
Marketing costs
National Council of Real Estate Investment Fiduciaries (NCREIF)
Open End Vehicle
Legal fees (Not property specific)
Life Insurance Separate Account
Investment Manager
Investment Period
Joint Venture
INREV Guidelines
Internal leasing commissions
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
International Valuation Standards Council (IVSC)
Fund Manager
Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®)
Fund management fee
External leasing commissions
Final closing
Emerging Issues Task Force (EITF)
End of Investment Period
Property disposition costs
Custodian costs
Dead deal costs
Closed End Vehicle
Club Deal
Carried interest
Cash management fee third party
Bank / loan / overdraft / debt interest
Bank Charges
Asset management fee
Asset Manager
Audit costs
CFA Institute
Reversionary income
Reversionary yield
Market Approach (valuation technique)
Market Value
Replacement Costs
Income Approach (valuation technique)
Internal valuation
Cost Approach (valuation technique)
Highest and Best Use
Vacancy (Based on estimated rental value)
Vacancy (Based on leasable floor space)
Operational results
Percentage Rent
Offer price
Initial Leasing
Estimated Rental Value (ERV)
Cost of development portfolio
Weighted Average Remaining term of Fixed Rate Fund T1 leverage
Weighted Average Remaining term of Floating Rate Fund T1 leverage
Weighted average cost of debt excluding shareholder loans
Weighted Average interest rate of Fund T1 leverage
Weighted average maturity of debt excluding shareholder loans (Years)
Vehicle-level loan to value
Weighted average cost of debt
TIF Notes
Total debt maturities
Vehicle-level loan to cost
Subscription secured credit facilities
Surety Bond
Recourse Debt
Restrictions on transfer
Performance Bond
Prepayment Penalty
Property-level loan to value
Number of new / renewed loans
Participating mortgage
Nominal value of debt excluding shareholder loans
Non-participating mortgage loan
Non-Recourse Debt
Maturity Date
Maximum LTV
Loan to Cost (LTC)
Loan to equity
Leverage Percentage
Loan Covenants
Letter of credit (LOC)
Leverage Limits
Portfolio Interest Service Coverage Ratio
Industrial Revenue Bonds
Interest rate hedging ratio
Interest Rate Swaps
Hedged %
hedging instruments
Fixed Rate Debt
Floating Rate Debt
Debt Service Coverage Ratio - DSCR (INREV)
Debt Service Coverage Ratio - DSCR (RS)
Credit enhancements
Cross Collateralization
Debt Interest
Contractual Interest
Contractual Principal
Construction Loan
Contingent Interest
Contingent liabilities
Bridge Loan
Caps (Interest)
Carve-outs (lending)
Base Interest
ADC Arrangements
Additional Contingent Interest
Statement of Position (SOP) (accounting)
Non-Controlling Equity Interests (Minority Interest)
Other net income
Net investment income-Operating Model
Net Operating Income (NOI)
Free Rent
Fair Value Option
Foreign exchange difference
Fair Value Net Asset Value (FV NAV)
Fair value of investment portfolio
Fair value of vehicle according to INREV guidelines
Fair value (IFRS definition)
Costs of Sale
Fair Value
Fair Value (GIPS, Appraisal Institute)
Controlling Equity Interest
Time-Weighted Return (TWR), property level
Total return (net and unlevered)
Total return net to investor
Time-Weighted Return (TWR) (Fund Level)
Time-Weighted Return (TWR), investment level
Residual value to paid-in capital multiple (RVPI)
ROI (Return on Investment)
Time-Weighted Return (TWR)
Residual multiple
Residual value
Partial Period (for TWR purposes)
Performance Attribution
Realization Multiple
NOI yield
Paid in capital
Net financing cost
Net Initial Yield (NIY)
Net return
Modified Dietz
Net equivalent yield
Internal Rate of Return-starting from inception to end-projected-gross
Internal Rate of Return-starting from inception to end-projected-net
Investment multiple
Internal Rate of Return-since inception gross of fees
Internal Rate of Return-since inception net
Internal Rate of Return-net
Internal Rate of Return-original and projected
Internal Rate of Return-realized (Gross) vehicle
Internal Rate of Return - IRR (RS)
Internal Rate of Return-gross
Income return
Internal Rate of Return - IRR (INREV)
Gross return
Gross equity multiple of vehicle realized
Gross initial yield
Gross property return
Equity multiple- gross, projected
Equity multiple-net, projected
Geometrically linked TWR
Equity multiple (Gross)
Equity multiple (Net)
Distribution-dividend yield
Distributions to paid-in capital (DPI) multiple
Cumulative TWR returns
Total Expense Ratio (TER)
Real Estate Expense Ratio (REER)
Exempt fees and costs
Waterfall calculation
Weighted average lease expiry
Void rate
Waterfall Analysis
Value-added (INREV Style)
Value-added (RS Style)
Total returned capital recalled
Total Value to paid in capital multiple (TVPI)
Total capital drawn down
Total current outstanding capital
Total return of capital
Total capital commitment drawn
Total capital commitments (By all investors)
Target return derived from income
Tax effect of the adjustments
Target percentage non-income producing investments
Target percentage of (re)development exposure
Remaining capital commitment
Paid in capital to committed capital multiple
Percentage of total capital commitments invested
Number of assets
Paid in Capital Multiple
Net Asset Value - NAV (RS)
Non-controlling effects on the INREV NAV adjustments
Net Asset Value - NAV (INREV)
Inception date (Fund)
Gross asset value of vehicle (Including pro rata share in joint ventures)
Gross Assets (for fund leverage measures)
End of maximum extendable vehicle term
Economic Share
Currency exposure
Commingled Fund
Asset-weighted composites
Asset weighted
Asset weighting methodology
Separate Accounts
Required standard
Opportunistic (INREV Style)
Operating Model
Opportunistic (RS Style)
Non-Operating Model
Investment level
Fund /Account(s)
Foundational Standards
Fair Value Accounting Policy Manual
Core (RS Style)
Q3 2016
Core (RS Style)
Fair Value Accounting Policy Manual
Foundational Standards
Fund /Account(s)
Investment level
Non-Operating Model
Opportunistic (RS Style)
Operating Model
Opportunistic (INREV Style)
Required standard
Separate Accounts
Asset weighting methodology
Asset weighted
Asset-weighted composites
Commingled Fund
Currency exposure
Economic Share
End of maximum extendable vehicle term
Gross Assets (for fund leverage measures)
Gross asset value of vehicle (Including pro rata share in joint ventures)
Inception date (Fund)
Net Asset Value - NAV (INREV)
Non-controlling effects on the INREV NAV adjustments
Net Asset Value - NAV (RS)
Paid in Capital Multiple
Number of assets
Percentage of total capital commitments invested
Paid in capital to committed capital multiple
Remaining capital commitment
Target percentage of (re)development exposure
Target percentage non-income producing investments
Tax effect of the adjustments
Target return derived from income
Total capital commitments (By all investors)
Total capital commitment drawn
Total return of capital
Total current outstanding capital
Total capital drawn down
Total Value to paid in capital multiple (TVPI)
Total returned capital recalled
Value-added (RS Style)
Value-added (INREV Style)
Waterfall Analysis
Void rate
Weighted average lease expiry
Waterfall calculation
Exempt fees and costs
Real Estate Expense Ratio (REER)
Total Expense Ratio (TER)
Cumulative TWR returns
Distributions to paid-in capital (DPI) multiple
Distribution-dividend yield
Equity multiple (Net)
Equity multiple (Gross)
Geometrically linked TWR
Equity multiple-net, projected
Equity multiple- gross, projected
Gross property return
Gross initial yield
Gross equity multiple of vehicle realized
Gross return
Internal Rate of Return - IRR (INREV)
Income return
Internal Rate of Return-gross
Internal Rate of Return - IRR (RS)
Internal Rate of Return-realized (Gross) vehicle
Internal Rate of Return-original and projected
Internal Rate of Return-net
Internal Rate of Return-since inception net
Internal Rate of Return-since inception gross of fees
Investment multiple
Internal Rate of Return-starting from inception to end-projected-net
Internal Rate of Return-starting from inception to end-projected-gross
Net equivalent yield
Modified Dietz
Net return
Net Initial Yield (NIY)
Net financing cost
Paid in capital
NOI yield
Realization Multiple
Performance Attribution
Partial Period (for TWR purposes)
Residual value
Residual multiple
Time-Weighted Return (TWR)
ROI (Return on Investment)
Residual value to paid-in capital multiple (RVPI)
Time-Weighted Return (TWR), investment level
Time-Weighted Return (TWR) (Fund Level)
Total return net to investor
Total return (net and unlevered)
Time-Weighted Return (TWR), property level
Controlling Equity Interest
Fair Value (GIPS, Appraisal Institute)
Fair Value
Costs of Sale
Fair value (IFRS definition)
Fair value of vehicle according to INREV guidelines
Fair value of investment portfolio
Fair Value Net Asset Value (FV NAV)
Foreign exchange difference
Fair Value Option
Free Rent
Net Operating Income (NOI)
Net investment income-Operating Model
Other net income
Non-Controlling Equity Interests (Minority Interest)
Statement of Position (SOP) (accounting)
Additional Contingent Interest
ADC Arrangements
Base Interest
Carve-outs (lending)
Caps (Interest)
Bridge Loan
Contingent liabilities
Contingent Interest
Construction Loan
Contractual Principal
Contractual Interest
Debt Interest
Cross Collateralization
Credit enhancements
Debt Service Coverage Ratio - DSCR (RS)
Debt Service Coverage Ratio - DSCR (INREV)
Floating Rate Debt
Fixed Rate Debt
hedging instruments
Hedged %
Interest Rate Swaps
Interest rate hedging ratio
Industrial Revenue Bonds
Portfolio Interest Service Coverage Ratio
Leverage Limits
Letter of credit (LOC)
Loan Covenants
Leverage Percentage
Loan to equity
Loan to Cost (LTC)
Maximum LTV
Maturity Date
Non-Recourse Debt
Non-participating mortgage loan
Nominal value of debt excluding shareholder loans
Participating mortgage
Number of new / renewed loans
Property-level loan to value
Prepayment Penalty
Performance Bond
Restrictions on transfer
Recourse Debt
Surety Bond
Subscription secured credit facilities
Vehicle-level loan to cost
Total debt maturities
TIF Notes
Weighted average cost of debt
Vehicle-level loan to value
Weighted average maturity of debt excluding shareholder loans (Years)
Weighted Average interest rate of Fund T1 leverage
Weighted average cost of debt excluding shareholder loans
Weighted Average Remaining term of Floating Rate Fund T1 leverage
Weighted Average Remaining term of Fixed Rate Fund T1 leverage
Cost of development portfolio
Estimated Rental Value (ERV)
Initial Leasing
Offer price
Percentage Rent
Operational results
Vacancy (Based on leasable floor space)
Vacancy (Based on estimated rental value)
Highest and Best Use
Cost Approach (valuation technique)
Internal valuation
Income Approach (valuation technique)
Replacement Costs
Market Value
Market Approach (valuation technique)
Reversionary yield
Reversionary income
CFA Institute
Audit costs
Asset Manager
Asset management fee
Bank Charges
Bank / loan / overdraft / debt interest
Cash management fee third party
Carried interest
Club Deal
Closed End Vehicle
Dead deal costs
Custodian costs
Property disposition costs
End of Investment Period
Emerging Issues Task Force (EITF)
Final closing
External leasing commissions
Fund management fee
Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®)
Fund Manager
International Valuation Standards Council (IVSC)
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
Internal leasing commissions
INREV Guidelines
Joint Venture
Investment Period
Investment Manager
Life Insurance Separate Account
Legal fees (Not property specific)
Open End Vehicle
National Council of Real Estate Investment Fiduciaries (NCREIF)
Marketing costs
Pension Real Estate Association (PREA)
Other/misc. vehicle costs
Planned Liquidation Date
Performance fee
Professional services costs
Pooled Trusts
Project management fee (excl. development activities)
Project management costs
Property acquisition costs
Property acquisition fee
Property insurance costs
Property disposition fee
Property Manager
Property Management Fee
Property management costs
Regulatory / Statutory costs
Reporting standards - handbook volume I and II
Total direct GHG emissions
Secondary Trade
Start of Investment Period
Single Client Account
Single Account
Accounting Standards Update (ASU)
Investment Advisor
Transfer agent costs
Termination Clause
Taxes on property related activities
Utilities, repair and maintenance costs (non-rechargeable portion)
Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP)
Valuation costs
Vehicle Manager
Vehicle formation costs
Vehicle administration costs
Wind-up fee
Termination Date
Subscription Agreement
Vehicle Formation Date
Dividend Payment
Initial Closing
Q4 2016
Property Conversion
Vehicle Documentation
Q1 2017
Inception date
Q2 2017
Amortization Period
Market Vacancy
Net Sale Price
Gross Sales Price
Senior Living (facility)
Self-Storage (facility)
Outlet Center
Theme / Festival Center
Power Center
Fashion / Specialty Center
Super-Regional Mall
Regional Mall
Community Center (retail)
Neighborhood Center (retail)
Office Showroom
Manufacturing facility (industrial)
Warehouse (industrial)
Research and Development (industrial)
Flex Space (industrial)
Garden-type Apartments
Low-rise Apartments
High-rise Elevator Apartments
Lease Area
Reimbursement Income
Base Rent Income
Loan Lockout Period
Loan Amortization Period
Loan Term
Limited Partnership (LP)
Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
Limited Partner
General Partner (GP)
Financing Company
Mortgage Company
Investment Management Company
Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM)
Alternative Investment Fund (AIF)
Property Company
Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV)
Registered Investment Advisor (RIA)
Authorised Management Company
Investment Company
Limited Liability Company
Property Management Company
Core (INREV Style)
Q1 2018
Capital expenditures (CAPEX)
Commitment fees
Debt arrangement costs
Debt arrangement fee
Deferred taxes
Development fee
Fee reductions/rebates
Fee waivers
Placement agent costs
Property-related taxes
Redemption fees
Securities handling charges
Staff costs
Subscription fee
Q2 2018
Claw back
Distribution fee
Transaction offsets
Q2 2019
Financing fee
Segregated Account
Trustee Costs
Related parties
Wealth taxes
Q3 2019
Set-up costs
Credit Committee
Credit Default Swap (CDS)
Credit Rating
Default Covenant
Development Margin
Duty of Care Agreement
Euro Interbank Offered Rate (EURIBOR)
Excluded Recovery Proceeds
Exit LTV
Financial Covenants
Fixed Rate Recourse Debt
Hedging Arrangement/Agreement
Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR)
High Quality Liquid Assets (HQLA)
Insurance Prepayment Proceeds
Intercreditor Agreement
Internal Ratings-Based Approach (IRB)
Investment margin (Spread)
Material Adverse Effect
Mezzanine Debt
Minimum Capital Requirement (MCR)
Over the Counter (OTC)
Event of Default (EOD)
All-in Interest Rate
Allocated Loan Amount
Loan Amortisation
Asset Liability Matching (ALM)
Asset Originator
Syndicated loan purchaser
Asset-backed securities (ABS)
Assignment / Transfer clauses
Attachment Point LTV
Borrower sustainability scorecard
Borrower sustainability credentials
Break Costs
Bullet Repayment
Cash Sweep
Commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS)
Conditions Subsequent
Cure Rights
Debt Vehicle
Debt Fund
Net Debt Yield
Debt Yield
Deposit Account
Development Facility
Discount margin
Disposals Account
Facility Agent
First Ranking Mortgage
Fixed and floating charges over assets
Flexibility for alternative use
Historical Interest Cover Ratio (Historical ICR)
Information Covenants
Interest Payment Date (IPD)
Interest Period
Interest Rate
Interest reserve account
Capital expenditure (Capex) Facility
Junior Debt
Sustainability scorecard
Make-Whole Margin
Make-Whole Provision
Compensation Prepayment Proceeds
Conditions Precedent
Participated Loan
Permitted Payment
Payment in Kind (PIK) interest/ Accrued Interest
Prepayment Fees
Private Placement
Property Protection Loan
Public/Private Partnership (PPP)
Recovery Payment Proceeds
Second Mortgage
Q4 2019
Asset Management Company
Q1 2020
Securitized Loan
Security Agent
Spens Clause
Senior Loan
Standalone Sustainable Lending Policy
Subordination Agreement
Subordinated Creditor
Subordinated Creditor's Security Agreement
Subordinated Loan
Transaction Document
Outstanding Portfolio Balance
Outstanding Principal Balance
Step in Rights
Syndicated Loan
Transaction Obligor
Non-Performing Loan (NPL)
Q1 2021
Standing investment
Stepped Rent
Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB)
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)
Fair Value Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (FV GAAP)
Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)
Contingent Rent
Indexed Rent
Holding Company
Q2 2021
Feeder Vehicle
Parallel Vehicle
Master Vehicle
Multi manager
Funds of funds
Commitment period
Strategy-Account Vehicle
Q4 2021
Net Zero Carbon Building
Environment, Social and Governance (ESG)
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)
Sustainable Investment
Corporate Governance
Constitutional Documents
Q2 2022
Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities (RMBS)
Key person clause
Hold Period
London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR)
Capital Structure
Q4 2022
Hurdle Rate
Q1 2023
Capital call
Capital call notice
Capital commitment
Capital contribution
Side Letter
Assets under Management (AUM)
Q2 2023
Transition Risk
Physical Risk
Climate Risk
Underserved population
Financial Inclusion
Economic Development
Job creation
Community Development
Impact Measurement & Management
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
Impact investing metrics
Impact Investing
Affordable Housing
Social Impact
Carbon trading
Waste by disposal route
Building water intensity
Fugitive emissions
Total indirect GHG emissions
Building GHG intensity
Operational control
Financial control
Carbon Disclosure Project
Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
Renewable energy
District heating and cooling
Absolute energy
Building energy intensity
Building types
Mandatory disclosure requirements
Floor area
Common parts
Operational Real Estate
Capital distribution
Income distribution
Lock-up Period
Private Placement Memorandum (PPM)
Q3 2023
Redemption Cap
Outstanding Capital Commitment
Unfunded Commitment
Recallable Capital
Q4 2023
Subscription queuing mechanism
Redemption Queuing Mechanism
Vintage Year
Q4 2024
Realised (capital) gain/ loss
Unrealised (capital) gain / loss
Gross property value
Vehicle Loan to Value (LTV)
Property Loan to Value (LTV)
Current development exposure as percentage of Gross Asset Value (GAV)
Gross operating income
Effective Share
> 3000
Net Initial Yield (NIY)
Net equivalent yield
Reversionary yield
Attachment Point LTV
Estimated Rental Value (ERV)
Gross initial yield
Gross asset value of vehicle (Including pro rata share in joint ventures)
Net financing cost
Fee reductions/rebates
Asset management fee
Performance fee
Property disposition fee
Total Expense Ratio (TER)
Internal Rate of Return - IRR (INREV)
Net Asset Value - NAV (INREV)
Interest Payment Date (IPD)
Real Estate Expense Ratio (REER)
Distribution-dividend yield
Income return
Remaining capital commitment
Equity multiple (Net)
Property acquisition fee
Target percentage non-income producing investments
Equity multiple (Gross)
Internal Rate of Return-since inception net
Total capital commitment drawn
National Council of Real Estate Investment Fiduciaries (NCREIF)
Property disposition costs
Property acquisition costs
Dead deal costs
Total return net to investor
ADC Arrangements
Property Management Fee
Capital expenditure (Capex) Facility
Investment Manager
Asset Manager
Gross return
Carried interest
Fair Value Net Asset Value (FV NAV)
Total current outstanding capital
Maximum LTV
Total return (net and unlevered)
Net Operating Income (NOI)
Closed End Vehicle
Reporting standards - handbook volume I and II
Internal Rate of Return-since inception gross of fees
International Valuation Standards Council (IVSC)
Fair value (IFRS definition)
Accounting Standards Update (ASU)
Investment Advisor
Project management fee (excl. development activities)
Club Deal
Target return derived from income
Internal leasing commissions
Internal Rate of Return-realized (Gross) vehicle
Waterfall calculation
Fund Manager
Internal Rate of Return-starting from inception to end-projected-gross
Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP)
Net return
Total return of capital
Pension Real Estate Association (PREA)
Target percentage of (re)development exposure
Nominal value of debt excluding shareholder loans
Loan Covenants
Internal Rate of Return-gross
Vacancy (Based on leasable floor space)
Equity multiple- gross, projected
Total returned capital recalled
Weighted average cost of debt
Internal Rate of Return-starting from inception to end-projected-net
Allocated Loan Amount
Fair value of investment portfolio
Void rate
Internal Rate of Return-net
Vehicle Manager
Custodian costs
Joint Venture
Life Insurance Separate Account
Weighted average maturity of debt excluding shareholder loans (Years)
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
Gross property return
INREV Guidelines
Vacancy (Based on estimated rental value)
Property Manager
Single Account
Fair value of vehicle according to INREV guidelines
Emerging Issues Task Force (EITF)
Final closing
Core (INREV Style)
External leasing commissions
Property-level loan to value
Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®)
Open End Vehicle
Utilities, repair and maintenance costs (non-rechargeable portion)
Non-controlling effects on the INREV NAV adjustments
Total capital commitments (By all investors)
Assets under Management (AUM)
Weighted average cost of debt excluding shareholder loans
CFA Institute
Leverage Limits
Bank Charges
Professional services costs
All-in Interest Rate
Vehicle Documentation
Pooled Trusts
Vehicle formation costs
NOI yield
Property management costs
Termination Date
Equity multiple-net, projected
Gross equity multiple of vehicle realized
Vehicle-level loan to value
Project management costs
Percentage of total capital commitments invested
Core (RS Style)
Secondary Trade
Vehicle administration costs
Number of new / renewed loans
Other/misc. vehicle costs
Initial Closing
Taxes on property related activities
Property insurance costs
Tax effect of the adjustments
Net investment income-Operating Model
Offer price
Cost of development portfolio
Debt arrangement fee
Investment Period
Transfer agent costs
Debt Service Coverage Ratio - DSCR (INREV)
Stepped Rent
Valuation costs
Vehicle-level loan to cost
Vehicle Formation Date
Weighted average lease expiry
Termination Clause
Fund management fee
Time-Weighted Return (TWR)
Bank / loan / overdraft / debt interest
Internal valuation
Sustainable Investment
Net Zero Carbon Building
Value-added (INREV Style)
Opportunistic (INREV Style)
Debt Service Coverage Ratio - DSCR (RS)
Non-Operating Model
Distributions to paid-in capital (DPI) multiple
Cash management fee third party
Partial Period (for TWR purposes)
Exempt fees and costs
Total Value to paid in capital multiple (TVPI)
Property Conversion
Cost Approach (valuation technique)
Borrower sustainability scorecard
Asset weighted
Internal Rate of Return - IRR (RS)
Borrower sustainability credentials
Value-added (RS Style)
Non-participating mortgage loan
Investment multiple
Gross Assets (for fund leverage measures)
Amortization Period
Audit costs
Asset weighting methodology
Fair Value Accounting Policy Manual
Euro Interbank Offered Rate (EURIBOR)
Capital expenditures (CAPEX)
Operating Model
Net Asset Value - NAV (RS)
Reversionary income
Internal Rate of Return-original and projected
Caps (Interest)
Opportunistic (RS Style)
Market Approach (valuation technique)
Paid in capital to committed capital multiple
Claw back
Other net income
Standing investment
Asset-weighted composites
Base Rent Income
Super-Regional Mall
Senior Living (facility)
Market Value
Cumulative TWR returns
Additional Contingent Interest
Legal fees (Not property specific)
Subscription secured credit facilities
Commingled Fund
Initial Leasing
Event of Default (EOD)
Number of assets
Carve-outs (lending)
End of maximum extendable vehicle term
Geometrically linked TWR
Make-Whole Margin
Residual value to paid-in capital multiple (RVPI)
Time-Weighted Return (TWR) (Fund Level)
Currency exposure
Time-Weighted Return (TWR), property level
Single Client Account
Fair Value (GIPS, Appraisal Institute)
Modified Dietz
Feeder Vehicle
Dividend Payment
Portfolio Interest Service Coverage Ratio
Construction Loan
Loan to equity
Waterfall Analysis
Base Interest
Contingent Interest
Asset Originator
Self-Storage (facility)
Start of Investment Period
Exit LTV
Wind-up fee
Interest rate hedging ratio
Bridge Loan
Manufacturing facility (industrial)
Income Approach (valuation technique)
Economic Share
Weighted Average interest rate of Fund T1 leverage
Leverage Percentage
Fair Value
Fair Value Option
Weighted Average Remaining term of Fixed Rate Fund T1 leverage
Operational results
Costs of Sale
Statement of Position (SOP) (accounting)
Floating Rate Debt
Planned Liquidation Date
Loan to Cost (LTC)
Non-Controlling Equity Interests (Minority Interest)
Inception date
Time-Weighted Return (TWR), investment level
Paid in capital
Asset-backed securities (ABS)
Loan Lockout Period
Property Protection Loan
Cross Collateralization
Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM)
Hedged %
Net Sale Price
Residual multiple
Subscription Agreement
Fixed Rate Debt
Controlling Equity Interest
Recourse Debt
Investment level
Foreign exchange difference
Total capital drawn down
Community Center (retail)
Commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS)
Realization Multiple
Industrial Revenue Bonds
Contractual Principal
Lease Area
ROI (Return on Investment)
Regional Mall
Inception date (Fund)
Loan Amortization Period
Fund /Account(s)
Gross Sales Price
Regulatory / Statutory costs
Contractual Interest
hedging instruments
Transaction offsets
Non-Recourse Debt
Commitment fees
Free Rent
Foundational Standards
Maturity Date
Contingent liabilities
Credit enhancements
Debt Yield
Office Showroom
Subordinated Creditor
Development fee
Total debt maturities
Paid in Capital Multiple
Placement agent costs
Fashion / Specialty Center
Performance Attribution
Marketing costs
Interest Rate Swaps
Residual value
TIF Notes
Debt Interest
Historical Interest Cover Ratio (Historical ICR)
Participating mortgage
Highest and Best Use
Performance Bond
Surety Bond
Authorised Management Company
Market Vacancy
High-rise Elevator Apartments
Required standard
Weighted Average Remaining term of Floating Rate Fund T1 leverage
Net Debt Yield
Flex Space (industrial)
Letter of credit (LOC)
Alternative Investment Fund (AIF)
Debt arrangement costs
Outlet Center
Subscription fee
Asset Management Company
Garden-type Apartments
Research and Development (industrial)
Prepayment Penalty
Restrictions on transfer
Theme / Festival Center
Deferred taxes
Percentage Rent
Spens Clause
Warehouse (industrial)
Replacement Costs
Staff costs
Registered Investment Advisor (RIA)
Subordinated Loan
Neighborhood Center (retail)
Fee waivers
Power Center
Redemption fees
Reimbursement Income
Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR)
Low-rise Apartments
Junior Debt
Property-related taxes
Make-Whole Provision
Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV)
Distribution fee
Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
> 2000
Bullet Repayment
Separate Accounts
Limited Partner
General Partner (GP)
Asset Liability Matching (ALM)
Financing Company
Minimum Capital Requirement (MCR)
Total direct GHG emissions
Transaction Obligor
Financing fee
Limited Liability Company
Senior Loan
Limited Partnership (LP)
Investment Company
Property Management Company
Securities handling charges
Investment Management Company
Security Agent
Property Company
Mortgage Company
Subordination Agreement
Break Costs
Loan Amortisation
Trustee Costs
End of Investment Period
High Quality Liquid Assets (HQLA)
Second Mortgage
Mezzanine Debt
Assignment / Transfer clauses
Payment in Kind (PIK) interest/ Accrued Interest
Compensation Prepayment Proceeds
Fixed and floating charges over assets
Disposals Account
Recovery Payment Proceeds
Over the Counter (OTC)
Cash Sweep
Parallel Vehicle
Flexibility for alternative use
Development Facility
Internal Ratings-Based Approach (IRB)
Set-up costs
Wealth taxes
Debt Fund
Segregated Account
Facility Agent
Master Vehicle
Development Margin
Related parties
Interest reserve account
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)
Credit Default Swap (CDS)
Cure Rights
Public/Private Partnership (PPP)
Default Covenant
Discount margin
Debt Vehicle
First Ranking Mortgage
Commitment period
Material Adverse Effect
Conditions Subsequent
Credit Rating
Conditions Precedent
Financial Covenants
Standalone Sustainable Lending Policy
Credit Committee
Syndicated loan purchaser
Outstanding Principal Balance
Duty of Care Agreement
Excluded Recovery Proceeds
Interest Period
Environment, Social and Governance (ESG)
Hedging Arrangement/Agreement
Information Covenants
Sustainability scorecard
Insurance Prepayment Proceeds
Constitutional Documents
Subordinated Creditor's Security Agreement
Interest Rate
Investment margin (Spread)
Deposit Account
Funds of funds
Corporate Governance
Fixed Rate Recourse Debt
Permitted Payment
Intercreditor Agreement
Participated Loan
Outstanding Capital Commitment
Strategy-Account Vehicle
Outstanding Portfolio Balance
Syndicated Loan
Prepayment Fees
Step in Rights
Non-Performing Loan (NPL)
Private Placement
> 1000
London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR)
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)
Securitized Loan
Capital Structure
Loan Term
Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)
Capital call
Capital contribution
Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB)
Hold Period
Transaction Document
Fair Value Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (FV GAAP)
Indexed Rent
Capital commitment
Contingent Rent
Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities (RMBS)
Holding Company
Side Letter
Capital call notice
Multi manager
Key person clause
Recallable Capital
Hurdle Rate
Unfunded Commitment
Operational Real Estate
Affordable Housing
Private Placement Memorandum (PPM)
Absolute energy
Vintage Year
Mandatory disclosure requirements
Redemption Queuing Mechanism
Building types
Building GHG intensity
Redemption Cap
Lock-up Period
Common parts
Climate Risk
Income distribution
Floor area
Building energy intensity
Carbon Disclosure Project
Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
Capital distribution
Carbon trading
Subscription queuing mechanism
Building water intensity
Fugitive emissions
Economic Development
Transition Risk
District heating and cooling
Impact Investing
Operational control
Total indirect GHG emissions
Community Development
Job creation
Renewable energy
Financial Inclusion
Impact investing metrics
Physical Risk
Financial control
> 500
Underserved population
Impact Measurement & Management
Waste by disposal route
Social Impact
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
Gross operating income
< 500
Current development exposure as percentage of Gross Asset Value (GAV)
Property Loan to Value (LTV)
Unrealised (capital) gain / loss
Gross property value
Realised (capital) gain/ loss
Vehicle Loan to Value (LTV)
Effective Share
< 500
Effective Share
Vehicle Loan to Value (LTV)
Realised (capital) gain/ loss
Gross property value
Unrealised (capital) gain / loss
Property Loan to Value (LTV)
Current development exposure as percentage of Gross Asset Value (GAV)
> 500
Gross operating income
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
Social Impact
Waste by disposal route
Impact Measurement & Management
Underserved population
> 1000
Financial control
Physical Risk
Impact investing metrics
Financial Inclusion
Renewable energy
Job creation
Community Development
Total indirect GHG emissions
Operational control
Impact Investing
District heating and cooling
Transition Risk
Economic Development
Fugitive emissions
Building water intensity
Subscription queuing mechanism
Carbon trading
Capital distribution
Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
Carbon Disclosure Project
Building energy intensity
Floor area
Income distribution
Climate Risk
Common parts
Lock-up Period
Redemption Cap
Building GHG intensity
Building types
Redemption Queuing Mechanism
Mandatory disclosure requirements
Vintage Year
Absolute energy
Private Placement Memorandum (PPM)
Affordable Housing
Operational Real Estate
Unfunded Commitment
Hurdle Rate
Recallable Capital
Key person clause
Multi manager
Capital call notice
Side Letter
Holding Company
Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities (RMBS)
Contingent Rent
Capital commitment
Indexed Rent
Fair Value Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (FV GAAP)
Transaction Document
Hold Period
Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB)
Capital contribution
Capital call
Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)
Loan Term
Capital Structure
Securitized Loan
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)
London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR)
> 2000
Private Placement
Non-Performing Loan (NPL)
Step in Rights
Prepayment Fees
Syndicated Loan
Outstanding Portfolio Balance
Strategy-Account Vehicle
Outstanding Capital Commitment
Participated Loan
Intercreditor Agreement
Permitted Payment
Fixed Rate Recourse Debt
Corporate Governance
Funds of funds
Deposit Account
Investment margin (Spread)
Interest Rate
Subordinated Creditor's Security Agreement
Constitutional Documents
Insurance Prepayment Proceeds
Sustainability scorecard
Information Covenants
Hedging Arrangement/Agreement
Environment, Social and Governance (ESG)
Interest Period
Excluded Recovery Proceeds
Duty of Care Agreement
Outstanding Principal Balance
Syndicated loan purchaser
Credit Committee
Standalone Sustainable Lending Policy
Financial Covenants
Conditions Precedent
Credit Rating
Conditions Subsequent
Material Adverse Effect
Commitment period
First Ranking Mortgage
Debt Vehicle
Discount margin
Default Covenant
Public/Private Partnership (PPP)
Cure Rights
Credit Default Swap (CDS)
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)
Interest reserve account
Related parties
Development Margin
Master Vehicle
Facility Agent
Segregated Account
Debt Fund
Wealth taxes
Set-up costs
Internal Ratings-Based Approach (IRB)
Development Facility
Flexibility for alternative use
Parallel Vehicle
Cash Sweep
Over the Counter (OTC)
Recovery Payment Proceeds
Disposals Account
Fixed and floating charges over assets
Compensation Prepayment Proceeds
Payment in Kind (PIK) interest/ Accrued Interest
Assignment / Transfer clauses
Mezzanine Debt
Second Mortgage
High Quality Liquid Assets (HQLA)
End of Investment Period
Trustee Costs
Loan Amortisation
Break Costs
Subordination Agreement
Mortgage Company
Property Company
Security Agent
Investment Management Company
Securities handling charges
Property Management Company
Investment Company
Limited Partnership (LP)
Senior Loan
Limited Liability Company
Financing fee
Transaction Obligor
Total direct GHG emissions
Minimum Capital Requirement (MCR)
Financing Company
Asset Liability Matching (ALM)
General Partner (GP)
Limited Partner
Separate Accounts
Bullet Repayment
> 3000
Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
Distribution fee
Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV)
Make-Whole Provision
Property-related taxes
Junior Debt
Low-rise Apartments
Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR)
Reimbursement Income
Redemption fees
Power Center
Fee waivers
Neighborhood Center (retail)
Subordinated Loan
Registered Investment Advisor (RIA)
Staff costs
Replacement Costs
Warehouse (industrial)
Spens Clause
Percentage Rent
Deferred taxes
Theme / Festival Center
Restrictions on transfer
Prepayment Penalty
Research and Development (industrial)
Garden-type Apartments
Asset Management Company
Subscription fee
Outlet Center
Debt arrangement costs
Alternative Investment Fund (AIF)
Letter of credit (LOC)
Flex Space (industrial)
Net Debt Yield
Weighted Average Remaining term of Floating Rate Fund T1 leverage
Required standard
High-rise Elevator Apartments
Market Vacancy
Authorised Management Company
Surety Bond
Performance Bond
Highest and Best Use
Participating mortgage
Historical Interest Cover Ratio (Historical ICR)
Debt Interest
TIF Notes
Residual value
Interest Rate Swaps
Marketing costs
Performance Attribution
Fashion / Specialty Center
Placement agent costs
Paid in Capital Multiple
Total debt maturities
Development fee
Subordinated Creditor
Office Showroom
Debt Yield
Credit enhancements
Contingent liabilities
Maturity Date
Foundational Standards
Free Rent
Commitment fees
Non-Recourse Debt
Transaction offsets
hedging instruments
Contractual Interest
Regulatory / Statutory costs
Gross Sales Price
Fund /Account(s)
Loan Amortization Period
Inception date (Fund)
Regional Mall
ROI (Return on Investment)
Lease Area
Contractual Principal
Industrial Revenue Bonds
Realization Multiple
Commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS)
Community Center (retail)
Total capital drawn down
Foreign exchange difference
Investment level
Recourse Debt
Controlling Equity Interest
Fixed Rate Debt
Subscription Agreement
Residual multiple
Net Sale Price
Hedged %
Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM)
Cross Collateralization
Property Protection Loan
Loan Lockout Period
Asset-backed securities (ABS)
Paid in capital
Time-Weighted Return (TWR), investment level
Inception date
Non-Controlling Equity Interests (Minority Interest)
Loan to Cost (LTC)
Planned Liquidation Date
Floating Rate Debt
Statement of Position (SOP) (accounting)
Costs of Sale
Operational results
Weighted Average Remaining term of Fixed Rate Fund T1 leverage
Fair Value Option
Fair Value
Leverage Percentage
Weighted Average interest rate of Fund T1 leverage
Economic Share
Income Approach (valuation technique)
Manufacturing facility (industrial)
Bridge Loan
Interest rate hedging ratio
Wind-up fee
Exit LTV
Start of Investment Period
Self-Storage (facility)
Asset Originator
Contingent Interest
Base Interest
Waterfall Analysis
Loan to equity
Construction Loan
Portfolio Interest Service Coverage Ratio
Dividend Payment
Feeder Vehicle
Modified Dietz
Fair Value (GIPS, Appraisal Institute)
Single Client Account
Time-Weighted Return (TWR), property level
Currency exposure
Time-Weighted Return (TWR) (Fund Level)
Residual value to paid-in capital multiple (RVPI)
Make-Whole Margin
Geometrically linked TWR
End of maximum extendable vehicle term
Carve-outs (lending)
Number of assets
Event of Default (EOD)
Initial Leasing
Commingled Fund
Subscription secured credit facilities
Legal fees (Not property specific)
Additional Contingent Interest
Cumulative TWR returns
Market Value
Senior Living (facility)
Super-Regional Mall
Base Rent Income
Asset-weighted composites
Standing investment
Other net income
Claw back
Paid in capital to committed capital multiple
Market Approach (valuation technique)
Opportunistic (RS Style)
Caps (Interest)
Internal Rate of Return-original and projected
Reversionary income
Net Asset Value - NAV (RS)
Operating Model
Capital expenditures (CAPEX)
Euro Interbank Offered Rate (EURIBOR)
Fair Value Accounting Policy Manual
Asset weighting methodology
Audit costs
Amortization Period
Gross Assets (for fund leverage measures)
Investment multiple
Non-participating mortgage loan
Value-added (RS Style)
Borrower sustainability credentials
Internal Rate of Return - IRR (RS)
Asset weighted
Borrower sustainability scorecard
Cost Approach (valuation technique)
Property Conversion
Total Value to paid in capital multiple (TVPI)
Exempt fees and costs
Partial Period (for TWR purposes)
Cash management fee third party
Distributions to paid-in capital (DPI) multiple
Non-Operating Model
Debt Service Coverage Ratio - DSCR (RS)
Opportunistic (INREV Style)
Value-added (INREV Style)
Net Zero Carbon Building
Sustainable Investment
Internal valuation
Bank / loan / overdraft / debt interest
Time-Weighted Return (TWR)
Fund management fee
Termination Clause
Weighted average lease expiry
Vehicle Formation Date
Vehicle-level loan to cost
Valuation costs
Stepped Rent
Debt Service Coverage Ratio - DSCR (INREV)
Transfer agent costs
Investment Period
Debt arrangement fee
Cost of development portfolio
Offer price
Net investment income-Operating Model
Tax effect of the adjustments
Property insurance costs
Taxes on property related activities
Initial Closing
Other/misc. vehicle costs
Number of new / renewed loans
Vehicle administration costs
Secondary Trade
Core (RS Style)
Percentage of total capital commitments invested
Project management costs
Vehicle-level loan to value
Gross equity multiple of vehicle realized
Equity multiple-net, projected
Termination Date
Property management costs
NOI yield
Vehicle formation costs
Pooled Trusts
Vehicle Documentation
All-in Interest Rate
Professional services costs
Bank Charges
Leverage Limits
CFA Institute
Weighted average cost of debt excluding shareholder loans
Assets under Management (AUM)
Total capital commitments (By all investors)
Non-controlling effects on the INREV NAV adjustments
Utilities, repair and maintenance costs (non-rechargeable portion)
Open End Vehicle
Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®)
Property-level loan to value
External leasing commissions
Core (INREV Style)
Final closing
Emerging Issues Task Force (EITF)
Fair value of vehicle according to INREV guidelines
Single Account
Property Manager
Vacancy (Based on estimated rental value)
INREV Guidelines
Gross property return
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
Weighted average maturity of debt excluding shareholder loans (Years)
Life Insurance Separate Account
Joint Venture
Custodian costs
Vehicle Manager
Internal Rate of Return-net
Void rate
Fair value of investment portfolio
Allocated Loan Amount
Internal Rate of Return-starting from inception to end-projected-net
Weighted average cost of debt
Total returned capital recalled
Equity multiple- gross, projected
Vacancy (Based on leasable floor space)
Internal Rate of Return-gross
Loan Covenants
Nominal value of debt excluding shareholder loans
Target percentage of (re)development exposure
Pension Real Estate Association (PREA)
Total return of capital
Net return
Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP)
Internal Rate of Return-starting from inception to end-projected-gross
Fund Manager
Waterfall calculation
Internal Rate of Return-realized (Gross) vehicle
Internal leasing commissions
Target return derived from income
Club Deal
Project management fee (excl. development activities)
Investment Advisor
Accounting Standards Update (ASU)
Fair value (IFRS definition)
International Valuation Standards Council (IVSC)
Internal Rate of Return-since inception gross of fees
Reporting standards - handbook volume I and II
Closed End Vehicle
Net Operating Income (NOI)
Total return (net and unlevered)
Maximum LTV
Total current outstanding capital
Fair Value Net Asset Value (FV NAV)
Carried interest
Gross return
Asset Manager
Investment Manager
Capital expenditure (Capex) Facility
Property Management Fee
ADC Arrangements
Total return net to investor
Dead deal costs
Property acquisition costs
Property disposition costs
National Council of Real Estate Investment Fiduciaries (NCREIF)
Total capital commitment drawn
Internal Rate of Return-since inception net
Equity multiple (Gross)
Target percentage non-income producing investments
Property acquisition fee
Equity multiple (Net)
Remaining capital commitment
Income return
Distribution-dividend yield
Real Estate Expense Ratio (REER)
Interest Payment Date (IPD)
Net Asset Value - NAV (INREV)
Internal Rate of Return - IRR (INREV)
Total Expense Ratio (TER)
Property disposition fee
Performance fee
Asset management fee
Fee reductions/rebates
Net financing cost
Gross asset value of vehicle (Including pro rata share in joint ventures)
Gross initial yield
Estimated Rental Value (ERV)
Attachment Point LTV
Reversionary yield
Net equivalent yield
Net Initial Yield (NIY)