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INREV Annual Conference 2020

Between 28 and 29 September 2020, we held the Annual Conference in a hybrid online setting from the #INREV Live Online Studio. Read more

Staff profile

Tom Vink

Many members will have already come across this edition’s staff profile feature, Tom Vink, at one of INREV’s events across Europe. Often on a plane dashing from one European city to the next to negotiate the ideal setting for our members to link up, learn and exchange ideas, or welcoming members, the past months have been somewhat different for Tom as almost all global travel has ground to a halt . Read more


Welcome - December 2020

Welcome to the final edition of the INREV IQ magazine for 2020.  This year will be one that most of us remember for a long time, though probably without too much affection. From INREV’s viewpoint, the coronavirus pandemic has presented many challenges to our organisation and the non-listed real estate industry, both in its impact on economies and markets and the way we have all had to work. Read more


Real Estate in the time of COVID-19

2020 has been a year like no other. In the midst of recurring lock-downs across Europe, the Real Estate market continues to react to repeated changes in its access and use. For the first time, stakeholders in commercial (and to a certain extent residential) buildings have been unable to visit the physical space that they occupy, manage and own.   Read more


At a glance:

Market insights show negative returns, but market adjusting to the new normal  2020 has presented the European real estate investment market with a wave of unprecedented challenges as a result of the global pandemic. And, as we continue through the year, it remains yet to be seen how the market conditions will continue to evolve following potential further COVID-19 related impacts.   Read more

Staff profile

Iryna Pylypchuk

Many readers may be quite familiar with this month’s staff profile feature candidate who has recently moved over to the INREV side of the industry. This quarter, we were excited to catch up with Iryna Pylypchuk in her capacity as INREV’s new Director of Research and Market Information (RMI). Read more

Member profile

The challenge of a Pandemic

IQ recently caught up with Nick Westoby, who has been a fund manager at Octopus Real Estate since 2017, about the challenges of managing debt funds in the midst of Covid-19 and how he sees INREV helping to take the debt funds industry to the next level. Read more


Beds investment bedding down 

It may be too early to predict the new normal for real estate allocations post COVID-19, but the beds sector is on the up. Allocations to residential and its close relations were already growing before the virus hit, and anecdotal evidence suggests that interest in the sector has accelerated further since then. Read more


The rise of virtual due diligence

As COVID-19 has come to restrict face-to-face meetings and international travel, this is having massive implications for how we all do business.  Sylvia Slaughter, Senior Director – Fund Management at investment manager GLP, told IQ how this environment is impacting real estate fund due diligence and what innovations it is spawning could mean in the longer term. Read more


Insights on the INREV Performance Measurement Committee

The Performance Measurement Committee (PMC) has had a busy few years working with INREV on the development of several new indices, most notable being the INREV Asset Level Index and the European ODCE Fund Index. Read more