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Which Real Estate Assets will become obsolete?

Let’s step back from real estate as an investment. What is real estate used for? Real estate is what economists call “real capital”. Real capital are inputs, such as land, factories or apartments, which are used to produce goods and services, such as food, cars or housing. Real estate assets, therefore, provide the amount, type and quality of space to house economic activity. Read more


Welcome - February 2021

Technology has been a lifeline for the real estate industry through the COVID-19 pandemic. It has allowed most of us to continue working from home, interacting with colleagues and clients via the online meeting services that we have come to know and (mostly) love.   Here at INREV, technology has helped keep all our services operating, from indices and research to the more interactive areas of training and events.   Read more

Young Professionals

The Evolution of the INREV Guidelines

Non-listed is still relatively young, joining the real estate landscape alongside direct and listed just over 20 years ago. Read more


A decade of diversification

Together with its family of indices, INREV’s surveys represent the organisation’s most important initiative for improving transparency in the European Non-Listed Real Estate market. Over time, survey results have created a wealth of data that lets us look beyond yearly snapshots to reveal high-level property market trends. Read more

Member profile

Member Profile: Keith O'Donnell

IQ spoke recently to Keith O’Donnell about his work as a Luxembourg-based tax adviser and the recent achievements of the INREV Tax Committee, which he has chaired over the past four years.  15 years ago, he founded the tax advisory firm ATOZ in Luxembourg, where he is now Managing Partner and was one of the founders of Tax and, the leading international tax network. Read more

Sector focus

Sector focus: Office

In the eye of the Coronavirus storm, it can be hard to believe that the world will ever return to normality.  For the office sector across Europe, and especially in the UK, the pandemic has led to more flexible working practices, with home-working often the default even at times when lockdown restrictions have eased. This has raised questions about the very future of the office, even beyond the current crisis. Read more

Public affairs

Market Focus: UK

UK real estate investment industry faces impact of regulatory changes Read more

Public affairs

Letter from Brussels

The Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD) was adopted following the global financial crisis, which exposed certain weaknesses in global financial markets and their regulatory regimes. The directive had a major impact on the non-listed real estate funds industry in Europe by establishing harmonised rules for the management and marketing of nearly all alternate investment funds in Europe.  Read more


Asset level sustainability project

As the threat of climate change comes ever closer, real estate investors and managers are increasingly embracing the sustainability agenda. In particular, the regulatory agenda in Europe is intended to steer capital flows in the direction of green investments and away from high-carbon investments.  Investors are asking how their real estate assets are performing against sustainability objectives. Read more


European non listed real estate debt in the spotlight

As appetite for non-listed real estate debt increases, IQ looks at INREV’s plans for the first European private debt vehicles performance index. Read more