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Inclusion is also a choice

At this year's Young Professionals Conference we will be touching on the very important topic of inclusion with Ernst Dekker, Dekker & Van Velzen. Ernst shares some of his thoughts with IQ before he takes to the stage.  Read more


All aboard for the ESG data challenge

With ESG centre stage at this year’s Annual Conference, the Research and Performance Measurement Open House Breakout session zeroed in on INREV’s exciting new pilot project aimed at solving the ESG data challenge. IQ was in the room. Delegates listened with rapt attention to Iryna Pylypchuk and Connor van Leeuwen explain how INREV’s Asset Level sustainability KPI data collection project was progressing.  Read more


Member Profile: Abigail Dean

With sustainability and climate resilience climbing ever higher on the real estate investor’s agenda, IQ magazine was delighted to have the chance to speak to the chair of INREV’s ESG Committee, Abigail Dean. Read more


Incorporating ESG into property valuations

In April, decision makers and top players across the non-listed real estate industry gathered in Athens to attend the INREV Annual Conference. After two years of holding our flagship event virtually, it was wonderful to see everyone in person, providing the opportunity to catch up with friends, colleagues, and peers.  Read more

Sector focus

An age-old solution to a modern-day problem

Given its sizeable contribution to greenhouse gas emissions, the real estate industry is grappling with  how it can balance meeting the need for additional space as economies and societies grow with mitigating the climate crisis. Our growing economies need new and refurbished buildings but construction activity alone accounts for 11% of annual global carbon emissions according to the World Economic Forum.1   Read more


Training and education committee

In its ambition to advance best practice and transparency in the non-listed real estate industry, education and training form a crucial strand of INREV’s activities. The organisation’s efforts in this area have clearly come to be appreciated, with 99% of those taking a training course saying they would recommend it to a colleague. Read more


Smart contracts for real estate investment

For all the technological advances seen in many parts of the real estate business, transactions – both for assets and for funds – are still a costly and time-consuming process. One solution to this problem could be creating automated transaction systems, where human involvement is replaced by digital ledger-based technology (DLT). Smart contracts are at the heart of these systems. Read more

Member profile

Member Profile: Thomas Kallenbrunnen

Thomas Kallenbrunnen recently took time out with IQ Magazine to discuss his new role as Managing Director at GARBE Institutional Capital and why he believes INREV will continue to play an important part in the evolution of European real estate investment. Read more


Powerful new tools for INREV and ANREV

Initiated in 2018 as a joint endeavour between INREV and ANREV, the members of both associations are now starting to see big improvements to the back and front ends of their database operations. These benefits are most apparent when members come to enter data for the INREV/ANREV indices or extract statistics and analyses for their own use.  Read more


Country specialist funds outperform

Economics says that specialisation leads to greater efficiency and effectiveness for a firm or enterprise. For real estate funds in particular, those that specialise in single markets should have a better chance of picking bargains when buying assets, and their specialist knowledge should also give them operational advantages, including a better understanding of tenant requirements, as well as management efficiencies and reduced costs. Read more