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20 years of INREV

In 2023 INREV will celebrate its 20th anniversary.  IQ takes a brief look at the journey so far and points to the road ahead. When a handful of investors and fund managers established INREV in 2003, the European non-listed real estate investment industry was in its infancy.   Read more


European Debt Funds on an upward path

Ever since the Global Financial Crisis, ‘alternative’ lenders’ share of European real estate debt has risen relative to that of banks. This trend, which mirrored developments in the US a decade earlier, shows no signs of slowing down. Read more

Public affairs

Letter from Brussels and London

In the wake of Brexit, UK policy makers have been reviewing EU rules on their books with a view toward making the UK a more attractive fund and investment manager domicile. As a result, in the past year we have seen a number of policy initiatives coming from the UK as they review and update their regulatory approach to the financial sector, including the real estate sector.  Read more


Committee Spotlight – INREV Technology Committee

With digitisation spreading rapidly across the non-listed real estate industry, the impact of technology and Innovation is becoming an important consideration for all market players. To improve processes, increase transparency and achieve efficiencies, many are exploring the technological and digital solutions that can help secure their future success. Read more

Staff profile

Staff Profile

Connor recently took time out to speak with IQ about his role at INREV as Research & Analytics Associate, a position that he has held since his promotion from Research & Analytics Analyst at the end of 2021.  Read more


Sentiment towards German real estate turns negative

The latest June edition of the INREV’s Market Insights publication confirms the turnaround in investment sentiment that started to come through in March this year, and Germany’s position stands out more negatively than most other geographies. Read more


Examining investor interest for Europe over the next 6-12 months

Over 2021, INREV reported at least €254 billion of capital was raised for non-listed real estate globally, a new-record high since the beginning of the global Capital Raising Survey in 2015. The majority of capital was raised for North American (€90 billion) and European (€73 billion) strategies, followed by global (€56 billion) and Asia-Pacific strategies (€34 billion) and a small category of other.   Read more


The right time for a harmonised EU-UK fund vehicle

The tax world as we know it is going through (yet) another life cycle change Read more


Wisdom, Cooperation and Leadership

Jan Peter Balkenende, former Prime Minister of the Netherlands (2002-2010), enthralled delegates at this year’s INREV Annual Conference. In a blistering keynote address, Mr Balkenende shared his clear-sighted perspective on a range of critical issues, from the conflict in Ukraine to re-establishing geopolitical stability, achieving a sustainable economic recovery, and the importance of creativity and inspiration in political discourse. Read more


INREV Website Redesign

INREV instigated the website redesign in response to members’ feedback, particularly the membership survey undertaken in 2020 and member user testing completed in 2021. A huge thanks to all the twenty members who participated in the card sorting activities and the one-to-one interviews helping us to work out what was intuitive and how and where we could improve the user experience.   Read more