Investment analysis is a critical function in ensuring robust underwriting of acquisitions and maximising the income performance of assets.
This 1.5 day training course course combines theory, an illustrative cashflow model and a case study that demonstrates best practices of real estate modelling techniques. It will consider the inputs and outcomes of cash-flow modelling, as well as examine limitations and how to critique results.
The Attendance Fee is:
€750 for INREV members
€1000 for non-members
If you are not an INREV member and wish to register, please contact INREV Academy.

The INREV Investment Analysis course starts by taking a bottom-up approach from the asset to the fund level. Then it will focus on the impact of issues such as debt, tax structuring and fees, followed by a case study that will bring all the elements together. The course will include presentations by industry experts, group discussions and a case study to apply what you have learned.
The course will cover the following topics:
- Investment analysis essentials including a high-level overview of cognitive biases in decision making
- Key model inputs for real estate cashflow analysis and model set-up
- In-depth analysis of the impact of debt
- Impact of taxes and structuring on real estate returns
Effect of specific fund fee structures and levels on returns to investors
Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:
- Identify and understand the limitations of modelling techniques
- Improve or refresh technical skills for investment analysis
- Better critique underlying assumptions and outcomes of models
- Understand the current landscape of debt financing
- Gain a high-level overview of the impact of taxes and structuring
Understand fund fee structures and performance fees
This course is tailored to individuals involved in investment analysis at the asset and fund level. This can include junior analysts or more experienced professionals who want to update their skills in cash-flow analysis for real estate. The course is ideal for investors, asset managers and lenders, and investment managers and advisers specifically in acquisition. Attendees should already have a good competency level in finance and be familiar with Excel-based techniques for cashflow modelling.
Please note: This is NOT an Excel cashflow modelling course.
This course is open to INREV members and non-members and counts towards the INREV Academy Certificate for Non-listed Real Estate Investments. It is a mandatory course for the Corporate Finance stream and an elective course for the Portfolio Management stream.