When a loan is repaid or partially repaid prior to its maturity date.
When a loan is repaid or partially repaid prior to its maturity date.
An issued security which is backed by a portfolio of mortgages secured against residential properties.
Eine Bestimmung, die gewährleisten soll, dass es sich bei den Fondsmanagern, die die Anlagen für den Fonds tätigen und verwalten, um dieselben Personen handelt, die ...
A provision intended to ensure that the identified management professionals making and managing the investments on behalf of the vehicle are the same individuals who the investors ...
The actual or expected period of time between the purchase and sale of an investment.
The average interest rate at which major global banks borrow from one another in the London interbank market.
The structure as defined in the vehicle documentation describing the various components of an investments's equity and debt. Also known as "capital stack".
Die Aufholungsphase / Catch-Up beginnt, wenn die Rendite eines Investors eine zuvor definierte Mindestrendite erreicht hat. Der Fondsmanager befindet sich ab diesem Zeitpunkt in de ...
A special distribution, as agreed beween investors and the investment manager, meant to compensate the investment manager once the investors' pre-established hurdle has been ac ...
Prozentualer Anteil an der Jahresrendite, über den hinaus die Outperformance der Nettorendite für die Anleger mit dem Manager geteilt wird.