The organisation responsible for the overall governance and oversight of the real estate investment fund or other type of investment Vehicles and may incorporate the Investment Advisor. The Investment Manager is ultimately accountable to investors for the overall management of the fund or Vehicle. This can be a formal role as defined by applicable regulation (e.g. the AIFMD), or legally such as the role of the General Partner in a partnership arrangement. Also known as Fund Manager, Vehicle Manager or Investment Advisor.
Global Definitions Database
Child terms
Multi manager
The term multi-manager is often used interchangeably with fund of funds manager. Multi-manager is defined as a fund manager who invests a single ma...
Asset Manager
The tactical management of investments and their related properties, within an overall portfolio. The asset manager will commonly oversee the work ...
Property Manager
The day-to-day management of individual real estate properties within a portfolio. Typical activities of a property manager include the invoicing a...
Investment Advisor
The role referring to activities related to the development and implementation of a strategic portfolio management function for a real estate inves...
Fund Manager
See definition Investment Manager.
Vehicle Manager
See definition Investment Manager.