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Staff profile

Staff Profile

Connor recently took time out to speak with IQ about his role at INREV as Research & Analytics Associate, a position that he has held since his promotion from Research & Analytics Analyst at the end of 2021.  Read more

Staff profile

Staff Profile

In this edition of the IQ Magazine we speak to not one but two members of the INREV team. Read more

Staff profile

Staff Profile

IQ recently caught up with Claudia Kapp, Director of Member Relations – our well-known contact person for all of our 460 member organisations. Claudia is responsible for the membership application process, ensuring that potential members are well informed of the benefits to being part of the INREV community. And, once membership is confirmed, Claudia remains the point of contact. Read more

Staff profile

Johlyn da Prato, Director of Marketing and Communications

In this edition of the IQ we catch up with a familiar face at INREV, Johlyn da Prato who joined the organisation almost 15 years ago during a time when the industry and INREV itself looked very different. ‘What a different world it was then’, begins Johlyn, ‘not just for the industry but for the way in which we do our marketing and communication – there has been a huge transformation.’  Read more

Staff profile

Elizabeth Kalinaki, INREV Data Scientist

For the first INREV IQ Staff profile of 2021, we wanted to introduce the INREV community to Elizabeth Kalinaki, INREV’s Data Scientist who already joined the data team of the IT department at INREV just over 2 years ago. Read more

Staff profile

Tom Vink

Many members will have already come across this edition’s staff profile feature, Tom Vink, at one of INREV’s events across Europe. Often on a plane dashing from one European city to the next to negotiate the ideal setting for our members to link up, learn and exchange ideas, or welcoming members, the past months have been somewhat different for Tom as almost all global travel has ground to a halt . Read more

Staff profile

Iryna Pylypchuk

Many readers may be quite familiar with this month’s staff profile feature candidate who has recently moved over to the INREV side of the industry. This quarter, we were excited to catch up with Iryna Pylypchuk in her capacity as INREV’s new Director of Research and Market Information (RMI). Read more

Staff profile

Bahar Yay Celik

INREV caught up recently with Bahar Yay Celik, INREV’s Professional Standards Analyst who joined the Professional Standards team in September last year at a busy but exciting time for the department.  Read more

Staff profile

Richard Buytendijk

IQ magazine spoke recently with the newest addition to the INREV Research Team, Richard Buytendijk, who joined the team in November as Senior Research and Analytics Manager. Read more

Staff profile

Carien Nieters

The eLearning and development associate role has been newly created in response to a growing need expressed by members for an eLearning programme and Carien, with a background in Education fits the bill perfectly to take the platform from its initial concept to fruition.  IQ: Tell us about your role at INREV Read more